BeAwesome: #145 Hold

BeAwesome: #145 Hold

The best thing to hold onto in life is each other- Audrey Hepburn 

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins- Benjamin Franklin 


When was the last time you held onto something. I mean really found something worth holding onto. When was the last time you felt passionate or loved this specific object, thing, dream, person, or what ever it is so much, that you couldn’t let go. Why is holding so important? When is it okay to say good-bye or let go? Why is holding on so hard, tough, often un-pleasurable  or difficult to manage. What is okay to hold on to? Hold onto love. But let go of all pain or undesirable pleasure. Hold onto a smile or a hug. You never know when a great one will return. Hold onto a thought. An idea. Anything that makes you motivated. A dream. A Person. A Statue. Hold on to this feeling. Hold onto encouragement. Hold on to a vision.. Those who are AWESOME have so many things to hold onto. We find what is important and stick with it. We take advice and hold. Squeeze. Wrap. Tape. And hold onto. Hold
